Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Signs of Life

Yay, the garlic has sprouted! After spending this brutal winter out there in the wind, snow, and single digit frozen ground, the garlic said, "Hey, I'm fine. Spring is here!" Garlic is one of those crops that has to be planted in the fall and spend the winter in the ground.
I think the important things I did were put the cloves 4 inches below the ground per Mike Burton's recommendation, and insulate them with a thick mulch of hay (which I will later curse because it had a bunch of hayseed in it).

Indoors we have red and green cabbage, lacinato and hanover kale, beets, chard, and lettuce going.
Look at the way they lean toward the sun. I was worried about damping off fungus problems, because I had trouble with that last year, and I think I figured out what I was doing wrong. I was dumping water on them from a glass instead of misting them. This makes the soil really wet and creates an environment in which fungus can thrive. The fungus can kill the weak little seedlings. So I let them dry out a little, and started only misting, and the white hair-looking stuff is gone.

What do you all want to grow this season?

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