Thursday, March 18, 2010

My First Post-Classroom PV Installation

Over the past week I've been helping my neighbor David install his second personal PV system. David is a master electrician and owns a PV Installation business. I had volunteered to help him with this installation since it was so close, and I've been wanting to get some more practice in. It's been over a year since I had taken the PV Design and Installation class in Tucson. Well we completed the installation yesterday. It's a 2.6kW on-grid system that's tied into he and his wife, Annie's, Stone Barn Inn. Their other system is also on-grid but with battery backup that sits atop their greenhouse and is tied into their home.

The shallow pitch of the roof made the panel installation much more manageable.

 SMA inverter along with DC & PV AC disconnect

And, while were on the topic of PV systems, Christy and I ordered the equipment for our own system. This is a big day for me. I've been wanting this quite some time. We're installing a 2kW on-grid system. Our plan is to convert to off-grid in the future. We're going with on-grid w/o battery backup initially because of time  and cost constraints. I had applied for a renewable energy rebate with the state of Virginia late last year and the system has to be installed and inspected by May 13th. An off-grid system with battery backup is more complicated and time consuming to install. As for the financial aspect of it, an off-grid system with battery backup is considerably more expensive than what we're presently doing. After the state rebate ($2/Watt) and the 30% Federal tax incentive, we'll have spent less than $5K for a system that would otherwise cost well over $10K. Another thing contributing to the lower cost is the fact that I'll be doing the installation myself.

Life is great!

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