Wednesday, May 13, 2009

And the fun begins!

Christy and I have been busy on preparing the garden beds and enclosing it with a 7.5' deer fence. Apparently the deer here are very aggressive towards gardens. We've decided on going with a circular enclosure instead of the standard square or rectangle. Given that the site slopes on three sides it made sense to deviate from the norm.

Working on the beans and cucumbers bed

Locust post for fencing

Digging with the post-hole digger and tamping dirt has aggravated my carpal tunnel syndrome. I find myself waking up at 3 or 4 in the morning with excruciating pain in my left wrist. I thought that leaving the high-tech world would have eliminated this condition - not! I had a similar experience after returning from a Habitat for Humanity trip to El Salvador. Apparently the act of tamping dirt is something my wrists don't like.

The Winter Wren nest near the tent was empty this morning. Yesterday there were 5 newly hatched chicks. This morning there was one dead chick at the entrance. I'm guessing either a raccoon or 0possum. I was just saying to Christy that we should start naming them. Oh, and speaking of wildlife: I forgot to mention that upon our return from New Hampshire we discovered bear activity at our site. We saw some tracks and our bird feeder was demolished. I'm hoping to get my first glimpse of one eventually.

Getting to use the chainsaw (Stihl 280) quite a bit. Mostly to cut the locust posts for fencing and also for fire wood.

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