Friday, December 4, 2009

Onsite Sewage Disposal System...

...also known as the glorious Septic System[sic]. We've been on hold for the last two weeks while we worked out the logistics and planned the design of the plumbing system and waited for the septic tank to be installed. This week we got finally got started. The septic tank installation has begun and Ben and I got going on the plumbing.

Septic tank with line in (foreground), inspection/pumping line (top),
line out with clean-out in background.

Leach field chambers

When Christy and I were planning our homestead we wanted to implement a grey water system and composting toilet. Because of the county health department code we weren't able to do either. Although the county does allow composting toilets, they do have to meet certain requirements. Unfortunately our sawdust toilet doesn't qualify. So, our only realistic option was to install the septic system. We do plan on incorporating the sawdust toilet and, at a later time, circumvent the septic system by diverting our gray water to a, you guessed it - gray water system! Something similar to this:

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