Saturday, February 13, 2010

Surviving Winter in a Half-Done House

Hi, it's Christy writing this time. I haven't written much on the blog until now, but my friend Lorrie inspired me with her creative and interesting blogging. It's been such an interesting journey building what will be a self-sufficient homestead. What it has NOT been is quick, or easy, or comfortable. And we are used to that which I am proud of. Like all creatures we adapt. Sometimes I feel like I'm living in a tool shed, because that's what it looks like - the tools get more space than I do. When I get in bed at night the first thing I do is brush the sawdust and dirt off the sheets. The dust in here is like a selfish roommate, leaving its things all over the place. But it has to be this way when you're building it yourself and living in it while it's incomplete.

So for now I wash my hair in a bowl of warm water heated on the hot plate, because this isn't exactly the best weather to be installing a pressure tank in. We've got the plumbing, and we've got the water coming out of the well, but until they can get together we do it like the pioneers did I guess (I know, the pioneers didn't have internet...). Every little bit of progress is cause for great celebration! For example, Ricky has all the drywall done, and it looks beautiful in all its dustiness. We keep imagining warm Spring days on our porch, and I know we'll get there eventually. The list of things still to do is long, and we have to slow down in order to not get ahead of the money. But we're investing our time and our money in something real and special to us, and I love that.

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