Monday, August 3, 2009

RickyFest 2009

In honor of my 50th birthday, friends and family joined Christy and me on our property this past weekend. Some formed a mini tent city while others sought more comfortable accommodations. I want to commend those who camped out and were willing to use our sawdust toilet. It's not always easy getting out of our comfort zones.

Tent City (sans Tom's tent)

It was a real treat to have my family spend the weekend and so many of our Floyd friends join in. The campers were - Adrian and Keith, Roney & Beatriz with their kids Parisa, Bianca and Micah, sister-in-law, Nancy and finally my friend Tom from Asheville. My mother and step-father, Ron stayed at our neighbor's stone barn inn while my in-laws, Jim and Linda stayed at the Hotel Floyd.


The party itself was a potluck and so there was an abundance of food. The food that everyone brought was delicious. Pat and Dave brought a venison dish that was just incredible. Even my niece, Parisa, loved it. Keith made some really amazing lemon cupcakes in lieu of a birthday cake. Some of the guests brought me homemade jars of beans, salsa, sauerkraut, and honey as a birthday gift. You can tell we're in a rural area when many of the gifts are food that's been canned. Although certainly canning and urban living are not mutually exclusive. I'm sure plenty of people in suburbia and in the city can vegetables; however, it's just more prominent in rural regions.

"Ricky, why aren't you eating?"

I had a lot of fun and was very pleased with the turnout. The weather held out for the most part. There were some brief interludes of showers early on but they held off during most of the event. I'm lucky to have been able to celebrate twice with the people I love. We may just have to make this a yearly event. Perhaps next year Christy and I will perform some songs - Christy on the fiddle and me on guitar.

Eat up!

Follow the leader. Christy leading a tour.

Bein' a kid is the best!
Now I'm ready for another cupcake!

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